Buyer Beware

There are companies using the organic label as a way to lure organic customers to them, without being purely organic. Terms such a “natural,” “organic-based,” “safe” all sound good, but when you get to the actual products that are involved, they may consist of toxic waste or synthetic chemicals mixed with organic ingredients. That is why you need to ask the right questions.

What does their fertilizer material consist of? Is it nitrates, urea or bio-solids (sewage sludge)? Not with us!

Are their products used for fertilization certified organic by an independent third party, such as the Organic Materials Research Institute (OMRI)? Ours is!

Is the company offering organic services knowledgeable about the biology of the soil? Do they address the biology of the soil in the program they offer? We do!

Are they accredited by NOFA? We are!

Do they strictly follow the NOFA Land Care Standards, the national guide for organic land care? We do!